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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Two saints in a market place:

On an auspicious day two saints decided to go to a city market to do some purchasing. One of the saints wanted to purchase a parrot and a cow. He wanted to teach the parrot to speak and he wanted the cow to milk. They went to a merchant and asked him if he could show them a few of them before they could decide which one they wanted to purchase. The humble wealthy merchant took them around his store and showed them all he had and told them that all the parrots they could see there were booked and were sold to other customers, thus they could purchase the cow but not the parrot. He told them that the cow would cost them $100 and the parrot would be only $10 and he would inform them in a couple of days later when he would get some more parrots for sale. The saint who wanted to purchase them was very happy to hear this. Where as the other saint who accompanied him was not happy as they were asked to come again later. He felt that it was an utter waste of time and money. After purchasing the cow and placing an order for the parrot while they were returning back on their way home. The accompanying saint wanted to know, why the saint who had not purchased the parrot, was happy while he was feeling the frustration and uneasiness. He asked him for an explanation.
The saint said “Some things at sometimes are not in our hands. We have to except the situation as and how they appear”.

He was not happy with the answer and thus asked for an explanation. The saint said “Its destiny which plays a major part in the life cycle. Destiny, for example lets say there are two things kept in front of me which are for sale. Parrot costs me only $10 while the cow is $100. Now I want to buy both of them and I have $1000 in my bank account. I'm able to purchase and posses only the cow that is $100. I'm unable to purchase the one that costs lesser i.e. the parrot for $10. No doubt I have $1000 in my bank account but still I could not purchase it, as it was no more in stock left for sale. Someone else purchased it before I did. Everything happens for good. It belonged to someone else's destiny. May be it was lucky for him. May be I would have a loss of $10,000 if I would have possessed it or may be the parrot would never learn to speak. Let’s look at this in detail. Should I feel sorry or feel happy for not purchasing this parrot. If I realize the truth and respect the decision of destiny, then I will feel happy that I was saved by a loss of $10,000. If I listen to my egoistic desire of possessive nature, with a false ego of superiority then I will feel the pain of not purchasing the parrot for $10. It’s up to me to be happy or sad. It depends on the way we analyze the things around us. These decisions are taken by our subconscious minds. To heal the subconscious mind it is necessary to have good ideas, good purpose, faith in good God, faith in the acceptance of destiny, faith in forgiveness, faith in love and compassion, faith in being constructive and optimism, faith in brotherhood, faith in learning from our mistakes.”

“It’s something like who came first? It’s the hen or the egg? They are both correlated, it would have not happened if the other would have happened. Lets say you are not going to marry until and unless you mature mentally and you are not going to mature until and unless you marry. Things happen at the right time, right place and under the right favorable conditions. We can put our good sincere efforts to achieve these conditions, at the same time we should not feel frustrated if they do not happen as expected. If we start feeling frustration and humiliation then we will loose the balance of mind, thus creating confusions and miss understandings. Our face is the reflection of our mind. Once we lose our mind it give rise to anxiety, which will give way to anger, which will lead to high blood pressure, which will tend to high sugar, if this is not stopped, then it will lead to a heart attack and loss of good relationships with valuable friends and personalities.” After listening to the explanation the other saint was relieved of his confusion and started to feel the happiness. Thus he told him “We cannot attain the salvation and haven until and unless we learn from the right preacher. No doubt doth haven and hells are within us, here on earth. It’s up to us to decide what we want”. He thanked him for giving a satisfying explanation, which opened his eyes. This changed the way he looked at the things around him.

What happens when “red hot iron” is immersed in “cold water”? It neutralizes, becomes normal, its nature, things always tend to return to the nature. What happens when a calm, gentle, humble and stable person interacts with an arrogant, harsh, rude, and short tempered person? It’s transformation, conversion from one form to another, bad to good. There will be some reaction. It will take some time to neutralize and to retain the normal form. It’s always better and constructive when anger is converted to forgiveness. Arrogance is converted to calmness. Unstable is converted to stable. Fear is converted to hope and joy. Never loose hope in order to achieve a good purpose.

Morale: When we have prayers, wishes, faith and blessings then the luck and destiny will follow us.

"WE" has More Power than "I". Please leave a comment if you encounter any problems or have any suggestions.

Read: Peace

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