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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Terrible Fight Between Two Wolves:

An old Grandpa was teaching his grandchildren about Life. He said to them,
"A battle is raging inside me, it is a terrible fight between two wolves.

One wolf represents Fear, Anger, Envy, Sorrow, Regret, Greed, Arrogance, self-Pity, Guilt, Resentment, inferiority, Lies, false-Pride, Superiority and Ego.

The other stands for Joy, Peace (Serenity), Love, Friendship, Compassion, Sharing, Humility, Kindness, Benevolence (Charity), Generosity, Empathy (Understanding), Truth, Hope and Faith."

The old man fixed the children with a firm stare.
"This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too."

They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather,
"Which wolf will win?".

The old Grandpa replied:
"The one you feed."

Human mind can generate both good and bad thoughts. Wisdom is to analyse the thoughts. To control for stability. To create a stable mind to choose the correct actions.

A battle is raging inside our minds. It is a terrible fight between two wolves.

One wolf represents positivity. and the other negativity.

This fight is going on inside each and every person.

We must think wisely before feeding the thoughts.
Feed the good ones to achieve good purpose in life.
What we sow is what we reap.

Face is the reflection of mind.
Ego of superiority is the destruction of individuality.

Searching for God.

Cast, God and Religion.

Link to this article.
Fight between two wolfs.

Only an intellectual can compare and analyse. The difference between good and bad. The way how nature works and what would eventually happen, when the bad becomes powerful.

We all know that humans have higher level of intelligence, compared to any other animals.
And this intelligence, can either be constructive or destructive.

Eventually there are two types of leaders - good and bad.

* One kind of Wild Leader, who rules and dictates using fear.
Another is Humble Leader, who rules using Compassion.

* Humble Leader has peaceful motivated followers.
Arrogant Leader has wicked followers motivated by fear.

* The Wild Leader uses fear to control his followers.
But the Humble Leader uses compassion to convince his followers.

* Thus it is important the way we adopt to create the society.

If Each of us realizes this secret to success, then our Nation will be number one, with constructive optimism. May the concept of optimism, called as "God" bless my mother-land  I N D I A.

No one can hurt us, without our own permission.

May be, by using anger, one can control other person. It would be a foolishness to bring transformation by destroying oneself. When we feel anger inside, When we focus on the sensation of anger, it gets dissolved within. Why should we spoil our own nervous system? Why should we spoil our own beautiful body because someone said something. When others do mistakes, instead of getting angry, we can as well correct their mistakes politely.

When someone commit mistakes purposely, and repeatedly, in-order to create anger, to make fun of others. Then just neglect them, instead of hurting yourself.

We know that, 72 muscles are strained when we frown with anger. Our body becomes a wreck. Each one of us have encounters difficult times in the past. Everyone has faced a difficult time. The wise one would smile and move through it, and the foolish one would keep crying, yelling, shouting, being miserable and making others miserable.

What is happiness and what makes us happy, and why are people not afraid of death?
When one is completely soaked in knowledge, they would definitely commit efforts to serve the mankind.
To heal and cure the humanity, to bring peace. They would experience a deeper sense of happiness and gratitude. Such a person would have very few enemies. But certainly he may have a few jealous enemies, enemies who are affected by such noble deeds, and they may even try to destroy the noble man, but the one with the noble deeds, with happiness, would be free from fear, of destruction,
As they realize that they are alive only because they are happy. The moment they are unhappy, when they are unable to achieve their purpose, to serve humanity, their life would have no meaning as well. Being alive would be of no use either. Thus many great souls, who have been assassinated by their enemies, while performing their humble deeds of compassion and love, to serve mankind, never had any fear of death, as they experienced great enthusiasm and happiness while walking there path of peace and love. It seems they preferred dieing only once with a smile, instead of dieing every moment with fear, regret and repentance.

Within ourselves is a fountain of bliss, a fountain of joy. While meditation helps us to answer all our questions, to clarify all our fears, helps to make our future efforts towards peace and brotherhood, to convert enemies to friends, to convince enemies towards understanding knowledge, one would have no fear when they would have no enemies, thus meditation helps create the truth, light, love, where there is no guilt nor fear. Psychologists might have a defined term for this state, as nirvana.

Why We Shout In Anger
While a Master (Guru, Teacher) was on his way to River, to have his bath,
he finds his disciples shouting in anger at each other.

He turned to his disciples and asked them with a smile.
"Why do people shout in anger at each other?"
Disciples thought for a while, one of them said, "Because we lose our calm, and we shout."

Master said:
"But, why should you shout when the other person is just next to you?
You can as well tell him, what you have to say, in a soft manner."

Disciples gave all different kinds of answers but none were satisfying.

Finally the Master explained:
"When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot.
To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other.
The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout, to hear each other, to cover that great distance."

What happens when two people fall in Love?
They don't shout at each other but talk Softly, because their hearts are very close.
The distance between them is either nonexistent or very small."

Master continued, "When they love each other even more, what happens?
They do not speak, only whisper, and they get even closer to each other in their love.
Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that's all.
That is how close two people are when they love each other."
He looked at his disciples and said:
"So when you argue, do not let your hearts get distant, Do not say words that distance each other more,
If not, a day will come, when the distance gets so great, that you will not find the path to return."

Thus Anger is a quite natural common phenomenon, which is destructive,
and must be controlled and conquered by humans in order to bless humanity and mankind.

Wisdom: Building Positive Attitude !

Once the head-preacher teacher, instructed one of his young student followers on a spiritual path:

“For the course of next one year, give a coin to each person who offends or upsets you”.

For the next twelve months, the young man gave a coin to each person who offended or upset him, as he was instructed.

At the end of the year, he returned to the teacher to find out what was the next step.
“Go into town and buy food for me” the master responded.

Once the boy left, the master changed his clothes, disguised himself as a Beggar and went to the gate.

When the boy returned from town, the beggar began to insult him.
“Good” said the boy, “for a whole year I had to pay the people who upset or offended me, and now I can be offended for free, without spending anything”
Hearing this, the teacher removed his disguise, and said “He who does not take insults seriously, is on the path to wisdom.”

Why do we remember PAIN:

Happiness, Gentleness, Calmness is Human Nature, Compassion and Caring are very Critical for Human Growth. It is Not Possible for Human to be Healthy and Alive if they experience Constant Pain. That is why Pain and Frustrations are Negative Emotions which are Not Necessary for Human Growth. Thus Pain is Something Different than Human Nature. Thus we Usually remember the Pain because it is Something Other than Human Nature. Something Not Human, we can say. Thus Humans remember Pain because it is something different and an more intense emotion. Human would always want to be Happy, and never wants to be in Pain. That is why Happiness is quite Common phenomena, which humans are already inbuilt with. We can also say, human is possible only with happiness, but Pain is something external, and unnecessary. Anything which is Destructive and Not Constructive gives Pain. More over Humans also remember pain to be Cautious, Careful, to take Preventions, to avoid making mistakes.

Read Article:

Read: Peace

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