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Monday, November 12, 2012

Knowledge Heals Minds Towards Peace.

I remember a childhood story (Panchatantra). A few Learned Scholars once came across an Dead Lion while walking in forest. These scholars knew how to inject Life into the dead animals. Thus they performed a ritual and soon the dead Lion was alive. The Lion after coming back to Life obviously killed these scholars who had given it the new Life.

Similarly, we must be careful of our deeds and actions. Instead of just injecting Life into the dead Lion, if these scholars would have injected Peace and Compassion into its mind. These scholars would have achieved a real better change, by saving their Lives. Thus healing the quality mind is the priority. Thus a peaceful mind creates an healthy body. Quantity is valuable only when it has Quality. Good Humble Character is the Priority, to create a better society. Body Strength is valuable only while it is used to enhance peace and humanity. Being Constructive, Not Destructive.

Knowledge must be used to achieve a noble peaceful purpose. Theoretical knowledge without the practical experience and commonsense is useless. Lots of wealth and power is meaningless without peace.

Distribute Knowledge to Heal the Minds towards Peace and Healing.

You might do any kind of different work. Always have a good purpose to achieve through that work. Slowly by practice it will happen.

Translation. Hindi. Kannada.

Different types of leaders.

Everything is contagious, both good and also bad.

There is nothing wrong in making money. But the way we make money is all that matters. 

Don't ever believe that a politician is a leader. 

Science proves that man has evolved from monkeys (chimpanzees).
Eventually man will also be evolved in the coming future, to become a better species.

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